Radici Studios

What if this is not the darkness of the tomb?

On November 8th, 2016, I watched the election results pour in and felt like the world was going to end. I held my newly pregnant belly, imagining the tiny new baby growing inside full of so much potential, and sobbed in the dark. The next day, Valerie Kaur stood up and spoke these words: 

“What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?

What if our America is not dead but a country still waiting to be born? What if the story of America is one long labor?

What if all the mothers who came before us, who survived genocide and occupation, slavery and Jim Crow, racism and xenophobia and Islamophobia, political oppression and sexual assault, are standing behind us now, whispering in our ear: ‘You are brave’? What if this is our Great Contraction before we birth a new future?”

Valerie Kraur is one of the bright lights that I have come across in these past 4 years. As every aspect of basic human decency has been called into question and every beautiful thing threatened, her words keep me going.

And here we are on the edge of another presidential election, in the middle of a global pandemic. I know it all feels like too much some days. I feel that too. I also know that when I find the places where I can have impact I feel invigorated with newfound energy. So in that spirit I’m sharing with you 3 ideas for action:

1. DONATE to voter mobilization initiatives by participating in the Radici We Rise We Vote fundraiser! Three are t-shirt colors in a wide array of Kids, Women’s and Unisex sizes! Plus, *new* We Rise We Vote canvas totes! All proceeds from your purchases will support getting out the vote in key communities through direct donations to the organizations below. Order here by September 18th, and please pass the word along to your friends and family. The more shirts sold- the greater the impact! Or donate directly!

  • Woke Vote– engaging and mobilizing historically disengaged voters of color and investing in long-term training and development. 
  • Mijente’s Fuera Trump campaign– mobilizing Latinxs across the country to beat Trump in November and build community’s political power.
  • Alliance for Youth Action– a nationwide network of organizations building political power of young people, and the premier youth vote vehicle in the United States focusing on a democracy for all with thriving communities, restorative justice, economic justice, health justice and climate justice.

2. TEXT! MAKE PHONE CALLS! SEND POSTCARDS! I recently signed up for MOTIVOTE through an artist I greatly admire- Lisa Cogndon. It helps you track your actions and get connected to resources- I don’t know much about it but have liked it so far. Here’s the link if you’re interested.

3. MOBILIZE your friends, family and community! Share this email or your own to get your people excited and motivated to go out and make some change!

And share back with me- who are the pro-democracy organizations  you are supporting? I love hearing and getting inspired by all of you!

I’ll leave you with one last Valerie Kraur quote which comes from her amazing new book, See No Stranger,  “There are no bystanders. In this time of astonishing moral crisis, silence is complicity. Because in the palm of our hand we have the ability to respond – to speak, to post, to organize, to act, online and on the ground, and in the voting booth. Speak, even if your voice trembles.”

Let’s do this!


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