Radici Studios

10 Ways to Stay Creative and Connected

Yesterday my neighbors were playing the guitar in their backyard. They had no idea that I was just on the other side of the big bush between our houses. I interrupted everything I was doing and sat and just listened to their beautiful music. I could feel my anxiety calm for a moment.


Did you see the video going around of all the Italians quarantined in their apartments out on their balconies singing together? You need to. Google it.


Art connects us. It is the balm to our anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, overwhelm.


Our current society so often categorizes art as an “extra,” as in extracurricular, but what I know to be true is that there is nothing “extra” about it. The arts are our voice, our means of feeling human and connected to one another.


I put together a list for you of 10 ways to stay creative and connected especially during social isolation (or in our case Shelter in Place).


1) Download this new free coloring sheet I made for you “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” Color it and put in on your neighbor’s front steps under a rock. Or email a picture of it to friends/family who are isolated or live alone.

2) Make homemade postcards to send to friends (cut a 8 x 11 piece of thick paper into 4, decorate, add a stamp, drop in a mailbox. (Send me one and I’ll send you one back!)

3) Call friends or relatives and ask them to share their favorite recipe and the story behind why the recipe is special to them and put it together in a recipe book to share.

4) Read books to your kids that highlight past heroes, moments of resilience, community support, and connection. This may be just as helpful to you as your child. Here and here are some lists of book suggestions

5) Call friends/relatives and ask them about their favorite songs. Put together a playlist. Send the playlist to everyone who contributed. 

6) Face someone you are quarantined with and draw each other without looking down and without picking up the pen. After you finish, share your drawing with each other. Shout out to my idol, Wendy MacNaughton, for this exercise, and for constantly reminding me of the power of really looking at each other. (Speaking of, she is doing free drawing classes daily at 10am PST!)

7) Do more coloring to reduce stress and anxiety. Download Free Radici Coloring Sheets for all ages here or here.

8) Join me every Wednesday for a free 30 minute Art Class for All via Zoom at 2pm PST. I will bring the art prompts – you show up with whatever art materials you have around. Art. Connection. Community. 


9) Download the Rings of Growth Activity to do with someone at your house that you care about (or do with a loved one you miss via FaceTime)


 10) Join an Online Radici Zoom workshop. I’ve had to cancel all my Spring Workshops, so I’m taking them online. This means you can participate from anywhere in the country! They are geared to parents and kids ages 4-11. The first zoom workshop, The Guardian Mobile, will be this Thursday at 2pm PST where you can learn how to create a hanging mobile about things that help you feel protected and safe. (Future workshops: 3/26- The Story of Me, 4/2- Where the Light Comes In, 4/9 Colorful Us). More details here


Be well all.