Radici Studios

Aligning for Change: Creative Tools for Collective Thriving

We stand at a crucial moment in time- from daily stories of hate based violence, to genocide, to an alarmingly real climate crisis.


A lot is at stake.


Collectively, we are out of balance; with the earth, with ourselves, and with each other.


To those of us who are paying attention, it’s A LOT.


At the same time we are also surrounded by constant reminders of the beauty, innovation, healing and care that humans can call forth if they choose. We each hold a role in our collective thriving and possess a deeper capacity for change than we may allow ourselves even to imagine.


So how do we find our path? What’s our role in community? And how do we find the sweet spot of joy in working toward the future we envision?

Sign up to join Aligning for Change: Creative Tools for Thriving Communities and learn at your own pace!

Sign up

This class is designed to bring you:

Rest– a moment in your week to breathe and reset your nervous system

Clarity– an opportunity to explore what makes you feel alive and what you bring to the world

Inspiration– a chance  to work with stuck feelings, overwhelm, despair and disillusionment, and to gain insights

New Perspectives– an opportunity to stretch and push outside the bounds of internalized messaging that keeps us from collective well being

Creativity – a chance to express yourself in new (and sometimes surprising) ways

Vision– an opportunity to leave with a clearer sense of what’s next and where to put your energy


What is your corner of work? Does it light you up? Does it feel sustainable? Come deepen your understanding of these questions and explore how you can create change that feels joy filled and connective.


This is a self- paced class. You will receive a 4 recordings with resources and content. Recordings can be downloaded and watched at your leisure.

The class includes:

  • 4 video recordings
  • 4 art based activities and invitations
  • Weekly optional “homework” and prompts for those who desire a deeper exploration
  • Creation of a roadmap for continued momentum long after the class is over
  • Simple, inexpensive, easy to gather materials

Base cost is $98. Sign up by October 24th for early bird pricing $58. Message jen@radicistudios.com with any questions.